Tips for CBB Integrated Pest Management

by Suzanne Shriner Integrated Pest Managetment Tips PDF/Printable version Coffee Berry Borer (La Broca) damage can be very serious, or it can be reduced to 2-5% of your crop.Ā  With a multi-pronged approach to control, you can greatly minimize loss. It is important to ā€œbe your own scientistā€ when it comes to your farm.Ā  Inspect…

B. bassiana fungus

update 12/18/2010 by Melanie Bondera Thank you for all your feedback and input! Weā€™ve sent the fungus off to several labs for identification. Farmers should go out and collect any b. bassiana fungus from their own farms before the harvest season ends and there are no more coffee cherries. Hereā€™s my suggested collection procedure. Find…