Trader Joe’s Honorary Membership

CONTACT PERSON – CLARE WILSON (808) 322-7094 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE KONA COFFEE FARMERS ASSOCIATION HONORS TRADER JOE’S FOR SUPPORT OF 100% KONA COFFEE KAILUA KONA, HAWAII, December 17, 2012 The Kona Coffee Farmers Association (KCFA) has awarded an Honorary Membership to Trader Joe’s Company in recognition Trader Joe’s contribution to the “fair marketing” of 100% Kona…

KCFA Kona Coffee Label Shirt

KCFA Kona Coffee Label Shirt (Each shirt size will have a different visual of the labels as the cloth is 30 inches wide. So the less material on one vs. more material on larger sizes will create a different presentation.)   The limited edition Kona Coffee Label shirt is now available!  Custom designed by Debbie…

KCFA Boycott Resolution

RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A NATIONWIDE BOYCOTT OF SAFEWAY STORES 1. WHEREAS Safeway is selling packages of coffee in its mainland stores called “Safeway Select Kona Blend”; and 2. WHEREAS the label of this product tells consumers to “Revel in the unmatched taste of savory beans from Hawaii’s Big Island”; and 3. WHEREAS the label does…

Quarantine Documents

from President Bruce Corker: For your information and review, below is a copy of an email and attachments (ed. note: at bottom of page) we received this week from Clayton Nagata of the Hawaii Department of Agriculture with information on the Coffee Berry Borer (CBB) green coffee quarantine for Kona. ———- Forwarded message ———- From:…

Kona Coffee as a Tourist Draw

Many tourists come to the island of Hawaii because they are drawn to Agriculture Tourism and Kona Coffee. The annual Kona Coffee Festival is the oldest Food Festival in Hawaii and is held annually during early November.  For more information, go to A  County of Hawaii sponsored Kona Coffee driving map  and coffee farm…

The “Kona Blend” Issue

The KCFA is NOT against blending. Blending is a roaster’s art to produce just the flavor his customer wants. What the KCFA DOES object to is LABELING of a 90% foreign coffee in a bag as a “Kona blend”. It is inherently deceptive to use the “Kona” name for 90% foreign-grown coffee. It is a…